Guest Lecture council
The factor which differentiates a management course from other courses is its ability to go outside the confinements of the classroom and bring in practical knowledge to supplement the theoretical knowledge.
At MGMIMSR management education is not only imparted in the regular classrooms held but also by inviting leading personalities from the world of marketing, finance, human resource and information technology.
The guest lecture council has the tough task of quenching the “thirst for knowledge” ever present in the student at MGMIMSR. This council acts as platform for the students to interact with the stalwarts of the corporate world, who have complete knowledge about their domain of expertise and are thus able to give meaningful insights on relevant subjects. The guest lecturers who visited MGMIMSR include Hemant Kumar, Director (HR), PT Indorama; Mr. Rangan VP (Marketing & Sales), Eurotronics; M.K.Parasar, Marketing and sales, Indorama cements, M.Rajagopal, Ex-Personnel Manager ITC.