Vice Principal's Message
Mahatma Gandhi Mission has started College of Engineering & Technology, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai in 1986 with the aim to provide and promote quality higher education and research on par with international standers and to train young men and women able and eager to create and put into action ideas, methods, techniques and information. It persistently seek and adopts innovative methods to improve the quality of higher education. We have highly qualified faculty members and our faculty members are fully trained to ensure that the students are given every possible support in all their endeavours, academics or otherwise.
Our College is presently offers four year degree courses in Eleven branches of Engineering viz., Civil(60), Computer Engineering(180), Electronics & Telecommunication(60), Chemical(60), Biomedical(30), Information Technology(60), Mechanical(60), Electrical(60), CSE(AI&ML)(60), CSE(DS)(60) and Automation and Robotics(60). The college is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, and Government of India & affiliated to University of Mumbai. Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering & Technology has the unique distinction of being first Engineering College offering a postgraduate course in Biomedical Engineering, under the Mumbai University. The college has also started a postgraduate courses in Civil Engineering from 2002, leading to Master of Engineering in Civil with Structural Engineering Subjects, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering under the Mumbai University. Also started Research Centre in Biomedical Engineering from 2017.
Extra curricular and other co-curricular activities are encouraged and the students are given every from of support to develop their talents in all fields. Our brand of education does not have narrow horizons, We believe in exposure. Our students are encouraged to widen their knowledge base and study beyond the confines of the syllabus. This is evidenced by the extensive library facilities in the college. In this age of technology. Knowledge is just a click away and we ensure that every student of the college has only the best of technology at his / her disposal. I look forward to welcome you to be a member of MGMCET. Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.
Dr. Vidyanand Gurulingappa Sayagavi
Vice Principal
Ph.D (Water Resources-Mumbai University)